25 January 2019

Aquariums across the country will be rallying together once more this year to demonstrate their support for the BIAZA Big Fish Campaign. 


Each year, British and Irish Zoos and Aquariums are inundated with requests to rehome animals that have ‘outgrown’ their home aquarium. 

In a bid to raise awareness of the larger freshwater species such as catfish, arrowana and silver sharks - to name just a few - the UK’s dedicated aquarium community will be hosting a number of engaging activities and events to separate fact from fiction when it comes to caring for fish.


Joined by Buster, the life size Red-tailed catfish, the Big Fish Tour will be hitting the road, on a mission to raise the profile of these aquatic giants and remind potential owners of the importance of research before committing to buy. 



The campaign is not wanting to ban certain fish from being sold or push for restrictive licensing, it’s quite the opposite. The aim of the campaign is to develop a more responsible attitude amongst fish keepers (both beginner and advanced), retailers and wholesalers/breeders and therefore improve the welfare of these tank busting species. 




Beginning January 21, The Deep aquarium in Hull will be launching a Big Fish Fortnight to kick things off, offering activities and presentations to appeal to both adults and families, generating awareness of the importance of reading all you can about your fish before bringing them into your home. 



Find your nearest BIAZA aquarium here: www.biaza.org.uk






For more information please contact Susy Rowe, Marketing and Curatorial Coiordinator on suzy.rowe@thedeep.co.uk or by calling 01482 3810157