13 May 2021

A stunning mural created by local aerosol artists Spray Creative will be on show to visitors when The Deep is hopefully able to open its doors again later this month. Telling the story of ocean plastics, the project was only made possible thanks to sponsorship from Yorkshire Water.

Designed by graffiti artists Kaine & Ollie of Spray Creative, who are responsible for some of the large murals which can be seen around the city. Their latest creation can be viewed on the scenic stairs as you leave The Deep and includes glimpses into the Endless Oceans exhibit, home to sharks, rays, sawfish and sea turtles.

Ollie from Spray Creative said “We were able to complete the project in 4 long days using 100+ cans of spray paint! The hardest part were the small albatross which you can see towards the end of the stairway. We were really excited to add in the UV elements which is not something we have done before but really helps to highlight the journey of plastics in the ocean.”

Andrew Prest from Yorkshire Water confirmed, “This was a fantastic opportunity for us to work with one of Yorkshire’s top tourist attractions. We have seen an increased awareness and interest in ocean plastics thanks to what we refer to as the David Attenborough effect. In response to this, using creative art we hope to engage the audience and tell the whole story, from litter making its way in to local waterways and eventually into the oceans and the food chain to bigger issues such as microbeads in everyday products.” 

The Deep’s Chief Executive, Katy Duke said “We have worked hard to reduce our own plastic foot print, and sharing the message of issues associated with ocean plastics and the part we can all play is something we are passionate about. The mural is a fantastic visual way of engaging our visitors making the subject instantly more accessible.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Yorkshire Water for making the project possible and the talent of Kaine and Ollie from Spray Creative for creating this fantastic mural. We are delighted with the end result and cannot wait for our visitors to see it!”