Our experienced Education Team offer National Curriculum based workshops and hands-on activities, tailored for all Key Stages from EYFS to Post-16 and SEND.

You can find more details of our workshops including lesson plans and objectives by following the Key Stage links below. 

Life’s a Beach!

Climb on board the Unimog for a coastal safari along Spurn Point. 

Play I Spy on your journey to where the land meets the sea, spot amazing native animals and find out who hides among the seagrass meadows and oyster beds. 

Discover who lives and works at this special place and why it needs protecting.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Percy Penguin's World Tour

Follow explorer Percy Penguin as he travels from The Deep on his world tour. 

Percy investigates a variety of animals in their natural habitat and begins to realise there's no place like home. 

Learners investigate hot and cold habitats, identifying animals who live there and how they are suited to their home.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Seaside Spring-Clean

Can you help the seaside animals get free of beach litter? 

This story and play session helps learners understand how their actions can affect living things and encourages them to show care and concern for the environment.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 


Turtle Art

Meet The Deep’s river turtles, enjoy a story and create a mini–Rio turtle puppet of your own. 

This story and art session allows learners to find out more about The Deep’s River turtles and consider the threats they face in the wild. 

The session encourages learners to develop skills in the area of expressive arts and design.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 


Big Blue Sea

Dive under the water to find out who lives in the Big Blue Sea.

Can you help our marine friends to give our story a happy ending?

This story and play session allows children to develop their imaginative language skills.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Key Stage 1
Sam’s Seagrass Safari

Following Sam’s blog of his Seagrass Safari at the Nature Reserve at Spurn Point, learners become explorers using maps and fieldwork skills. 

We then consider the work of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) who help restore the precious seagrass meadows and oyster reefs and learn why they are so important.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Save Our Seas

How is the water in our oceans changing? Learn how climate change affects ocean habitats and the animals that live there. 

Through a range of interactive games, learners begin to understand the effects of climate change on marine environments. 

We examine how people who work at The Deep help the animals that live across the world and consider what changes we can make to reduce our carbon footprint.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Staying Alive

How are our bodies like those of marine creatures and how are they different? 

In this enjoyable multi-activity workshop, learners observe and compare animal characteristics and their anatomies.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Beside the Seaside

Our island home has a very long coastline, more than 10,000 miles with lots of interesting features and is home to many different animals. 

This multi-activity workshop takes us on a seaside journey where learners investigate the diversity of the UK’s seaside habitats while learning about the range of animals that make their homes by the coast.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Caring for Our Oceans

Take a trip with Kal the Killer Whale on a journey around the five oceans of the world. 

During Kal’s travels, we encounter different animals who need help. Using storytelling, interactive activities and discussion, learners explore the effect of plastics on the ocean and begin to think about what action they can take to help the planet.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

All Around the World

Pick up your passports and travel the world! 

We start by looking at NASA images on the fantastic 3D Magic Planet. 

This multi-activity workshop highlights the similarities and differences between continents, encouraging learners to appreciate the amazing variety of our world – its climates, landscapes and inhabitants.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

My Polar Home

What kind of animals live in cold places? How do penguins survive in the freezing cold? 

With the help our fantastic revolving Magic Planet we locate the coldest places in the world and discover more about the characteristics, feeding relationships and habitats of polar animals.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Key Stage 2
Coasts & Conservation

Calling all young conservationists! Assist us in keeping our planet healthy. 

Learners will be tasked with looking at features of our unique local coasts. 

Dive into detail using The Deep’s interactive activities to learn about local marine ecosystems and active conservation projects to restore seagrass habitats and oyster reefs at Spurn Point.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Hot News! Climate Change

Through experiments and interactive activities learners begin to understand how CO2 is changing the chemistry of the oceans. 

We explore how these changes affect coral reef and rockpool habitats. 

Discover how The Deep’s Aquarists are working to help animals impacted by climate change and consider how our own choices and behaviour can action positive change.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

CSI Sharky

Help us solve this dastardly crime! 

Learners will identify our mystery criminal by discovering who’s eating who. 

They will explore predator-prey relationships, ocean food chains and improve their microscope skills.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 


Our World's Plastic Problem

Why are our world’s oceans so important? How are our oceans and the animals that live there being affected by plastics? 

Consider the impact of human behaviour on our oceans and ways in which we can all reduce our plastic footprint.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Life on the Reef

View our ocean world with the help of NASA images and our amazing digital globe. Then take a closer look at one special ocean habitat – the coral reef. 

In this multi-activity workshop learners investigate the location of reefs, the coral animal itself and explore the relationship between species who make the reef their home.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Extreme Survival

Welcome to the world of penguins! 

In this activity based workshop learners use classification keys to identify penguin species and investigate the unique adaptation features which ensure their survival. 

Learn about Antarctic predator and prey relationships and how human and environmental factors pose a threat to animals in this extreme environment.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Key Stage 3
Seagrass and Oysters: Coastal Conservation

Experience some of the challenges faced by local conservationists in attempting to establish important coastal habitats. 

How does climate change affect us here in the UK and what can be done to mitigate the damage? 

This workshop asks learners to play the role of conservationist in the effort to protect the East Yorkshire coastline.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Underwater Art

This practical workshop covers both imaginative drawing and drawing from life, and allows learners to extend their skills as they work with our diverse collection of marine life resources. 

Our collection has been donated by past collectors or has been ethically sourced in-line with our principles as a conservation charity. 

The Deep can supply HB pencils and A4 copy paper, but you are welcome to bring your own drawing materials too.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Drowning in Plastic

Plastic in our oceans is a worldwide problem that needs solving. 

This session uses fun practical work and discussion to investigate: looking at why, where and what we can do about it. 

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Climate Change: Changing Oceans

This informal interactive discussion based workshop explores the effects of global warming. 

Using the 3D magic globe and bioartefacts, learners are encouraged to consider the effects of increasing sea temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing acidity and oxygen loss. 

To conclude, learners consider their own personal impact, the overall impact of humans and the measures that could be implemented to aid ocean recovery and help save the planet.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here

Key Stage 4/Post 16
Seagrass and Oysters: Coastal Conservation

The Holderness coast is explored. Then the way in which Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) are using funding from Orsted to return seagrass and oyster habitats is discussed. 

Learners then create these habitats for themselves, understanding food webs and reacting to natural and man-made disasters.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Climate Change: Our Oceans

This discussion based workshop explores and examines the effects of global warming in our oceans. 

Using accredited data, the 3D magic globe and bioartefacts, learners will develop their understanding of increasing global oceanic temperatures and levels, acidification and deoxygenation occurring in the oceans. 

Finally learners are encouraged to consider their own impact on the environment, and suggest possible personal, local and global solutions to lessen carbon dioxide output and allow the oceans the opportunity to recover.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Conservation Choices

This workshop initially looks at the need for conservation and research work and how the two link together. 

Learners are then asked to discuss six different conservation projects, all of which took place at the Deep. They make decisions on which is the most important, which should be funded and so on..

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Drowning in Plastic

Plastic in our oceans is a worldwide problem that needs solving. 

This session uses fun practical work and discussion to investigate: looking at why, where and what we can do about it.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here. 

Drawing From Nature

This self-directed session uses the varied collection of items related to marine life owned by The Deep. We put these out on display for your learners to observe and draw. 

The collection includes coral skeletons and replicas, various exoskeletons, large tropical shells, shark teeth, jawbones and egg cases. 

Please note that most of the collection has been donated by past collectors and all other items have been ethically sourced in-line with our principles as a conservation charity.

For detailed lesson plan and objectives please click here.