Current project
Campaign Overview

The Deep has signed the Big Shark Pledge, helping ensure The Shark Trust can achieve their mission: to secure the future for high seas sharks. 

The Big Shark Pledge supports the vital work of The Shark Trust's Oceanic Programme, and is their biggest campaign to date. 

Many of our best known and much-loved sharks make their home on the high seas, the open-ocean beyond national borders. In our shared ocean, these sharks and rays face a very real threat from a huge international fleet of industrial-scale fishing vessels. Research published in early 2021 confirmed that over 75% of oceanic sharks and rays are now at risk of extinction due to the destructive impact of overfishing. They have declined by 71% over the last 50 years. 

Get Involved

Your support matters, and every voice makes the call louder. 

Add your signature to the pledge and help project a united voice for oceanic sharks.

Sign the Big Shark Pledge