Working to recover an endemic species of spider.


Zoos and aquariums across the UK are banding together to save the critically endangered Desertas Wolf Spider (Hogna ingens). With only around 4,000 adults left in the wild and numbers dwindling, collaborative efforts aim to prevent their extinction. 

Bristol Zoo successfully bred over 1,000 spiderlings in 2017, prompting a wider initiative involving multiple institutions like The Deep and Longleat Safari Park. The project also involves habitat restoration on Desertas Grande, addressing invasive species threatening the spiders' survival. With careful breeding and habitat management, the aim is to reintroduce these spiders to their native island. Research efforts focus on genetics, habitat preference, and climate change impacts. The project, slated until 2020, underscores the importance of collective action in preserving endangered species.

  • Rearing.
  • Habitat restoration.
  • Monitoring.