Sudan, Africa

Identifying the first hybrid manta ray in the Red Sea, Sudan.


In a ground-breaking discovery, scientists from The Cousteau Society, The Deep, and The University of Windsor, along with Sudanese partners, found the world's first living hybrid Manta ray off the coast of Sudan in the Red Sea. 

The research, part of the Red Sea Shark and Ray Management and Conservation program, unveiled the hybrid Manta alfredi/Manta birostris through genetic analysis. Previously, scientists recognized only one Manta species, but recent re-evaluation identified two: Reef Manta Ray and Giant Manta Ray. This hybridization carries implications for understanding population connectivity and critical habitats for Mantas. 

With Manta rays facing exploitation and vulnerability, the discovery underscores the need for conservation efforts. The researchers tagged and released 22 Mantas, contributing to future conservation strategies. The finding highlights the importance of Marine Protected Areas and sustainable development in safeguarding marine ecosystems.

  • Research.
  • Monitoring.